Air Fragrance Systems
Our Air Fragrance systems are designed to be neat and compact but strong and durable in order to deliver the fresh clean fragrance you are looking for within your washroom environment. You can chose from Motion sensor, Fan assisted or Automatic air fragrance systems and thanks to our wide range of choice of fragrance on offer you can be sure to select the right option to enhance your washroom experience.
Product Vending Machines
We can offer full size Dual and Multi-vending machines vending all associated personal products. Our machines are supplied with either mechanical or battery operation for ease of use and maintenance. For the purpose of space saving and washroom size, we can even provide stylish, slimline, mini vending machines that allow you to offer that personal touch for your staff and visitors alike.

Sanitising and Water Management Systems
Sanitizing solutions are for the prevention of hard water scale, uric scale, bacterial growth and malodour in urinals, toilets and associated waste pipes. Easy to fit and service, the Sanitizing unit can maintain an individual urinal or toilet or even a bank of urinals and toilets.