The average kitchen sink contains 100,000 times more germs than the bathroom. Sponges are the most contaminated object in the home and can harbour billions of bacteria! Make sure you change yours regularly to avoid infection. Tip – Keep sponges out of the sink when not in use so they get a chance to dry. […]
Category Archives: Tips & Guides
Useful Tips and Guides
Your waste is not something to be disregarded. How you dispose of it is important. The UK is governed by stringent waste regulations that impact the way you run your business and manage the waste you create. Disposing of your wastes in accordance with current legislation can seem complex, but it needn’t be confusing. Waste […]
WET: Its better to wet hands before applying soap as this prevents irritation SOAP: Apply soap to wet hands WASH: Rub hands together vigorously making sure both sides of the hands are washed thoroughly, around the thumbs, between each finger and around and under the nails (using the six stage guide illustrated here) RINSE: Rinse […]