Author Archives: Jamie Butler

Upcoming Events & Exhibitions

IFEX- 8th- 10th March 2016- Titanic Exhibition Centre- Belfast The Manchester Cleaning Show – 6th-7th April 2016- Event City- Manchester LCT CleanEx- 24th – 25th April 2016 – Ascot Racecourse, UK ProClean Ireland- 21st-22nd June 2016- Green Isle Hotel, Dublin ISSA/ INTERCLEAN Amsterdam- 10th-13th May 2016- Amsterdam The Cleaning Show- 14th – 16th of March 2017- London, UK  

Evans’ visit to Buckingham Palace

Representatives of Evans Vanodine were honoured to be in the presence of Royalty recently when Chairman Derek Evans and Peter Thompson, international sales manager, visited Buckingham Palace to attend a special business reception and accept an award for International Trade, in recognition of its outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. The pair […]

What you need to know about changes to CLP Regulations…

On 1st June 2015 regulations changed meaning all chemical products are now labelled under the new Globally Harmonised System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. This was implemented in the EU via the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP), where previously chemical products were regulated in the UK under CHIP. This change was brought […]

Upcoming Events & Exhibitions

CMS – 22nd – 25th of September 2015 – Berlin, Germany ProClean Ireland – 29th – 30th September 2015 – Green Isle Hotel, Dublin Ausclean Pulire – 20-21st October 2015 – Gold Coast Australia ISSA/Interclean USA – 20-23rd October 2015  – Las Vegas Hygienalia+Pulire – 27-29th October 2015 – Madrid, Spain Tissue World – 28-29th October 2015 – Jakarta Conference Clean Middle East […]

Interesting Facts about Germs, Bacteria and Hygiene

The average kitchen sink contains 100,000 times more germs than the bathroom. Sponges are the most contaminated object in the home and can harbour billions of bacteria! Make sure you change yours regularly to avoid infection. Tip – Keep sponges out of the sink when not in use so they get a chance to dry. […]